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my oldtimer betta

23 11:55:39

My betta is almost 4 years old.  About 2 months ago we got a cold snap and
Nemo's water would get cold at night.It would warm up during the day but I
think it wasn't enough even though I had a lamp on him all the time. Now he
has sunk to the bottom of his bowl in a vertcal position and struggles to the
surface every once in a while to get some air. I now have his bowl on a small
heating pad and often check his temp. have taken some of the water out of
the bowl and tried to see if he would eat a small chunk of a frozen pea -
which he didn't even take notice. I'm afraid he may have a swimbladder
problem. I don't know what else to do! I'm not ready to lose him. I brought
him back from near death 21/2 years ago, I want to do it again. I'm
feelingreally guilty for leaving it this long to do something about it. Please

Heating a betta with a lamp on him, stresses him.  Bettas do not like light on them.  Fluctuating water temperature is really bad for fish, they get sick, and die.  When Bettas are kept in small bowls, 1 gallon tanks, and vases, they do get sick... and there is not much you can do for him in so little water.  A betta need warm water, he is a tropical fish, and under 78 degrees, he is living a cold miserable life.  Since he doesn't want to eat the peas, you will have to treat him with an antibiotic.  "Kanamycin" is very good for Swim Bladder, and if you can't find it, buy "Tetracycline" or Furan 2.  Follow the directions, be careful not to overdose.  Swim Bladder is caused by poor diet, and overfeeding.  The fish get constipated, and this leads to Swim Bladder Disease.  He must waste.  Try to keep his temperature always the same... make sure his bowl is clean.  Swim Bladder is curable when caught in time.  I would like to add, never feed your betta one big meal a day.  His tummy is the size of his eye, so it is better to feed him 2-3 small meals a day...example..2 pellets for one meal.  He should be fed pellets one day, Betta Flakes the next, Daphnia the next, and bloodworms the next, then he should fast for a day, and on that day you should give him a pea.  
I Hope he will recover, as I know how attached we are to our Bettas.