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sick betta - followup

23 12:01:55

Hi Chris:
You answered a question of mine about my sick betta over a month ago.  Your advice was very helpful and he actually did get better.  However, despite the erythromycin (I could not get maracyn 2 at my local fish store) his red spot did not go away.  I wondered if it was a scar.  It did get to be more pink than red and he was swimming like crazy and eating.  Now it is getting bigger and redder and he is laying at the bottom of his tank a lot and not eating.  He has smaller red spots in other areas that are hard to see as they blend in with his scales.  I have started the antibiotic again and taken the filter out etc.  He has fresh water aquarium salt and water conditioner as well. Is there anything else I can do?  I notice that with every water change and readjusting salt and conditioner levels he perks up.  I have not been cleaning the gravel though. He is alone in a ten gallon tank.  We have had him almost a year.  He has been in the tank for 2 months.  Before that he was in a bowl.  Thanks so much for your help.  -Lynn

Hi Lynn;

It's very possible they are tumors. Sometimes antibiotics seem to help because the tumors can develop bacterial infections on them. Just keep making frequent water changes to help keep his immune system as strong as possible. Water changes also help to keep infectious bacteria count in the water lower. Bacteria is everywhere no matter how clean we keep our tanks and sensitive areas such as tumors and other lesions can be attacked by them. Just do the best you can to try to better his quality of life for now. That's really all you can do. I wish I could help more...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins