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Glo Danios

23 11:02:10

My Glo Danios eggs hatched they are clear at the moment.  The Glo Danios parents were red, blue, green.  My question is how long does it take for them to get their color.  And how long does it take for the eggs to hatch cause not all of them has hatched yet.  And when should I start feed the baby fish and what.  Thank you for your time.

I am hoping that the fry are not in the tank with their parents. They will get eaten if they are. You should have them in their own breeding tank. You will want to feed then 24 to 48 hours after they are hatched. Generally that is when they start free swimming, which means swimming horizontally instead of vertically. They will live off of their egg yolk for up to 2 days.  The color will start coming in as they grow. Mine start getting color 2 to 4 weeks after they are born. There is liquid fry food, that you can get at most pet stores. You only need to feed them that for a few weeks. Once they stop with liquid, you can start feeding them regular fish flakes that has been crushed to a powder. It can take 24 to 48 hours for the eggs to hatch.