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my poor ringo

23 14:39:04

please help me if you can. my male betta is very sluggish and won't eat he either lays on the bottom of his tank or floats at the top. he used to be happy now he seems sad

I am sorry about your Betta.
Raise the temperature of the tank to 28C. They prefer warmer temperatures in the tank.
I also recommend testing your tank water.
You can buy test kits at fish shops. I would recommend buying nitrite, ammonia and nitrate test kits. The ammonia and nitrite should both be 0.0, even 0.1 can be harmful. If they are not 0.0, do 40 percent water changes twice a week to lower it.
The nitrate should be under 20ppm. If it is over that, try putting in some live plants to help reduce it. Live plants will also help oxygenate the water, so I recommend buying some of them anyway, even if your nitrate is ok.

Even though Bettas can live in small tanks, they do prefer a tank over 5 Gallons. If possible, I would buy him a slightly bigger tank. It will most probably increase his lifespan being in a bigger tank.
Also you should ask at your local fish shop whether the water in your area is hard or soft. They prefer slightly softer water.
Give him a varied diet, of bloodworm, brineshrimp, daphnia, shelled and boiled peas, cucumber, as well as his normal flake food, which should be crushed into the water, not left to float.
Bettas can be very aggressive, so he should be alone in the tank. They are not very good community fish, so any other fish living alongside him should be rehomed.
I hope Ringo gets better,