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Koi fish temperature range

23 13:55:40

I am very interested in setting up a tank for a Koi fish, or possibly several Koi fish. I have read numerous articles about what size, and even that they can survive in low temperatures, but I have yet to come across anything saying the other spectrum of temperature. What is the warmest they can withstand? And if you can also give me the ideal temperature that would be appreciated.

Hey jessica =]

You will need at least a 200 gallon tank to accommodate at least 3 koi, superb filtration and frequent water changes.

At least you are researching :)

Koi can withstand down to 5 degrees celcius as they are often in ponds throughout  the winter but in the home aquarium, tempratures go from 15 to 21 degrees celcius.

Hope this helps and Good Luck

Don't be afraid to ask me any more questions :)