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help my guppy?

23 14:44:48

I have one guppy fish. I have him/her in a 55 gallon aquarium. Is this safe? he is at the top all the time or near the filter. I have an emperor 400 filter but i dont know if he can breathe...pls email me

Hi Lorie;

He is probably just very scared. I'm sure there is plenty of oxygen in the water. It takes a few days for fish to get used to a new home. If he is the only fish in the tank, he has also never been alone in his life and is a schooling fish so he needs some buddies. So, get him a couple of guppy friends and he will feel better in a few days. Also add some live or artificial plants to hide in. If your tank is new, it is safe to have about 5 guppies right now until the break-in period is over. Here is a link to my article on new tanks to help you with that part;

Let me know if I can help further. Without details, (other fish, age of system, etc.) I'm only guessing on what could be wrong......

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins