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my beta is really sick

23 14:14:50

I've had my Beta Bob for about three weeks now. A few days ago I noticed that he had some almost white bumps on the top of his head. Over the past few days, he began to lose color around his mouth and around his gills. Usually he is very active. I left him with a friend for the day and when I came back she told me that he was his usual self and then was relaxing. But he never went back to his old self. He only ate one of the food pellets I fed him tonight and all he does it lay at the bottom of the tank. He only goes up for air if i tap on the tank or move it enough.

My friend's beta had the same thing only he didnt get as much color change. He might possibly have Ich. Is it possible that Bob has the same?

Hello Aimee-

It is likely your betta is sick, especially since you are seeing the white spots. I recommend treating Bob once daily with a dose of "QuickCure," a fish medicine you can find at WalMart and most pet stores. Follow the dosage instructions on the bottle, and be sure to keep up on his water changes.

Hope this helps,
Amber Worman