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Mikrogeophagus ramirezi

23 14:14:50


Found your details via a google search on Mikrogeophagus ramirezi.

I am trying to replicate the natural environemnt of this beautiful fish in my 80l home aquarium. Will be using RO water, mopani wood, ~3m gravel, an external filter and will be planting the tank with vallis and hygrophilia. My target water parameters will be pH 6.5 and dH ~ 4-10. On advice of a fellow Ram enthusiast I was going to use a oak leaf recipe ( condition the pH of the water and baking soda to obtain the required hardness. Any advice/suggestions on my approach would be gratefully appreciated.


Hi Kom,
 It sounds good.  One caution: don't overdo it with the blackwater.  If you make it EXACTLY like it is in the Amazon, you won't see the fish.  True blackwater is colored like dark tea and it is remarkable how it sucks up light. I have been in blackwater with high-powered underwater lights and couldn't see more than 6 inches even though the water was "clear" in the sense that there was no suspended silt in it.  So, a little tinted is fine, but don't over do it.

-- Ron
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