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Regarding Betta Food

23 11:50:31

Hi. Is freeze dried blood worms, freeze dried brine shrimp and where do you get daphnia I live in a really small town in Canada. Thanks Linda

Hi Linda,
Freeze dried blood worms are good.  If your pet store doesn't have daphnia, ask them to order it for you.  It comes dry or frozen, but don't worry about it if you can't find it.  He has pellets which are very good for him, betta flakes, and the dry blood worms, and the pea.  This is okay.  I live in a small town in Canada too, and I ask the pet store owner to order daphnia, and he will order any food I ask him, so maybe your pet store owner will do the same.  (My bettas love freeze dry Plankton, and I give them some once a week, but only one piece two times a day.) If you can find the flake Plankton, then two flakes twice a day.   I think you would find the plankton.  As long as you vary his diet, and not give him bloodworms all the time, this is the main thing.  Pellets are great for Bettas, so don't worry about this.  He has the main food for him.