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Cloudy Water Solution

23 11:45:58

Hi there. I recently reset-up my twenty gallon tank. While filling the tank with water, I noticed the water was cloudy. I tried to wash the gravel as best as I could, but the water in the tank seemed to still be cloudy. Do you think this will be a permanent kind of cloudyness, or will it settle?

Should I change out all the water in the tank and then refill it with clean, clear water, or will it just go away in a few weeks or so?

Thanks so much!

give it 3 days with the filter on and run the tank as normal but with no fish in there, if it doesnt settle them do an 80% water change and leave again for 2-3 days then it should settle, if it doesnt give your filter a good clean, take it apart and clean it really well, then do the same 80% water change and 2-3 more days, if nothing has worked it could be your tap water so buy some tap water conditioner or use bottled water