Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > 55 gallon stocking

55 gallon stocking

23 11:44:24

QUESTION: How does this sound for a 55 gallon?
4 danios
1 male swordtail
3 female swordtails
6 cories
2 angels
Will the angels fight with each other if I get them as juvienille from the
same tank? Are these fish compatible? The swordtails, as I read in a
book, will provide angels more variety with their fry.

ANSWER: Hi Wayne,
There should be no problem.  When angels are bought small, and are the same size, they should get along.  Provide plants, either silk, or real, and driftwood.  
This is a nice setup, not overstocked, and it would be very nice to see the contrast with the angels, and swordfish.  Nothing is a guarantee, Angel fish are tricky...they are cichlids, and are territorial, but with enough space, which you have provided for them, there should be no problem.
Hope all goes well, and how refreshing to read that your tank is well setup, and not overstocked!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I have one more question? Do the angel have to be the same coloration.

ANSWER: Hi Wayne,
No, you can mix them with any colour.  The colour does not change their character.  All colours of Angels can be mixed.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: 1 last question, I know it is a great stocking list, but is there just anthing else I could possibly add without overstocking. Thank you for all your help and fast responses.

Hi Wayne,
(1)You could add 3 female guppies, and one male, and you could add 3 female platys.  ( The swordfish will be in
(2)You could add two moonlight Gouramis, and two pearl gouramis.  Two little drawf gouramis may also be added.  These are docile fish, and very pretty fish.  Provide floating plants if you go with these fish.
(3) Instead of the danios, you could go with rainbow fish.  They are schooling fish, and very beautiful, and hardy.  The Red Rainbow, and the Bosemani Rainbow are beauties.  You could add six to your tank.  They do not have to be the same, there are many on the market, some cheaper than others.
You could add 6 Congo Tetras which are also a schooling fish, very pretty, and peaceful.

You could also add a talking catfish.  They grow to 6 inches, and are one of my favourites.  They are undemanding, and peaceful.
Never add all of these fish at once to your tank, as your water chemistry would change killing off all your fish.  Add them slowly, always making sure your water chemistry is perfect before adding fish.  
Hope this helps