Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Fish with bloating/large round stomach area

Fish with bloating/large round stomach area

23 15:08:06

I have a fish - no one has been able to tell what it is...I have been told its a barb, and I have also been told its a doesn't look like either...I have a picture I can send.

I have had the fish for 2-3 years.  My father put it in his large tank about a year ago and it was getting quite large. Just figured it was growing since it was in a larger tank.  Well, his body has stopped growing but his belly hasn't. My parents think that its a tumor.  How would I been able to tell?  My mom said that he hasn't been eating well but is in good spirits.  What could be wrong with him?

Hi Kimberly;

If you go over to the freshwater fish forum at you can post the picture as an attachment to a post on the forum. Between all of us we could probably tell you what kind of fish it is as well as what could be wrong.

Here is the address to the forum;

My member name is ChrisR62. See You There!

Chris Robbins