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My circus fish

23 14:22:03

I've got a weird one for you regarding my fishes behavior.  I have three really
cool goldfish which I've had for approve 2yrs now.  They are housed in a 25ltr
bowel with an air pump/filter system.  All three are pretty cool but one in
particular seems to like to freak me out... it could be my favorite.... It
appears to love to ride the currents created by the pump and swim upside
down, performing amazing turns etc over and over again.  It will then float
upside down motionless for a few minutes at the top of the bowel.  If
disturbed it simply appears a little stunned as if just woken up then will carry
on with 'normal' fish be haviour or go upside down again as if in a trance.  
this behavior has been going on for a couple of months now so I'm getting
use to it and the other two fish just ignore it and carry on.

It kinda freaks me out but I'm getting use to it and find it amusing now cos
the fish doesn't appear to be distressed at all... but I am not a fish whisper so
I don't know what's going through it's mind.

Any ideas? I can make a little video of it if you like.

Regards and I look forward to your reply


ANSWER: Shayne,          I used to have a snail that would go to me bubble wall and float up and crawl back and do it again ... All creatures have their own personalities. Just to be safe lets put an all natural broad spectrum antibiotic in the water. It is made from the oil of tea trees in australia... its called melafix. Follow the directions. He might just like it. Did you notice if it has little white spots by his gills.... if he does he is of breeding age and you know how you guys would also feed your goldies a frozen pea or two every week it is a natural antibiotic and can prevent this from happening again if he has a swim bladder infection. Also... get a veggie clip from you local petshop and slice an orange abit thin take the rind of half and put it in there they will love you for it . Great for vitamin C. You will here them singing you name in there. I am sure if you listen close you will hear Luck,Tina.... if you want to send me video kool

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: wow you're fast and I like the answer! I put a cuple of peas in the bowel so
stand b to see if they are there tomorrow hahaha.  I haven't noticed any spots
but the particular fish - I now call Freak - is a little podgier than the other
two so I wondered if it was a girl thing when menstrating or the like, you girls
get a bit odd around that time too haha!
Thanks heaps - how do I send you a wee video? hey maybe this little darling
is the key to me winning a home entertainment system on 'Funniest home

Regards again


Shayne,          You still need to add the antibiotic I told you about. The peas should not be left in over night. Feed them at their regular feeding time just the peas once a week. They should develope a great taste for them . If they eat them right away then  feed their regular food after. Leave the pea shells in for an hour or so ... if they don't eat them, remove them. I guess you can send it to Would like to see what he is doing. Good Luck , Tina.....oh by the way the like cucumbers too!!!!!!