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Increasing population of aquarium

23 14:07:27

Hello Tom,

I went and brought two silver mollies ( both females) about 4 weeks ago. I am still in the process of breaking-in the 10 gallon tank and so far, they are doing fine.

I wanted to eventually add a male Molly and around three-four neon Tetras along with one Queen Arabesque Plecos. Would these overcrowd the 10G tank?


Hi Sanmati,

In a word.......yes

Queen Arabesque Plecos will reach 4" by maturity. Four neon tetras would add 7". Mollies can grow huge depending on species, Silvers hit around 3"ish I think but don't quote me on that.

Basically 10G is suitable for 10" of fish. So we've got around 20" of adult fish here. Would be a cool mixture of fish but you'll need at least a 20G tank.

Good Luck!
