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Fluval O2

23 15:02:47

Quick question re: the Fluval 304 filter.  Do you need to place the output above or at water level to create agitation?  I'm worried about enough O2 in the tank.  This makes things quite noisy.  Or can I place it slightly under the water so it doesn't sound like a river in my house?

Hi Jason;

Submerged outputs are just fine. You don't have to let any part of the outgoing water go up out of the surface. Totally submerged still gets the job done. Peace and quiet that way too! Just the water current alone allows the exchange of gasses at the top of the water. It turns and churns and lets bad stuff out into the atmosphere and lets oxygen replace it. That's why experts encourage using tanks that are long and wide rather than deeper. It's about surface area and not necessarily the volume or quantity of water.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins