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Oscar behavior

23 11:47:41

I took on the care of my daughter's two Oscars about 9 months ago.  They seem to be doing real well, still growing eating good etc.  My question is are they fighting or what  when they lip lock. They head toward each other with the mouth open almost in a butting action.  Also the striped one seems to be picking on the gold one and keeps it cornered in one end of the tank. I am worried about them and I don't know if I should try to separate them or not.  Thank you so much for any advice you can give me. I really love them. Thanks again. Sue

Hi Sue,
 Unfortunately, fighting and courting in oscars looks exactly the same -- they swim at each other, flare their mouths and lock lips.  The good news is that as long as they are face to face, then things are okay.  If, however, one is chasing the other, and the other is always trying to get away, then you will need to separate them or one will soon be killed.

-- Ron
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