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my jack dinpsy

23 14:39:28

my Jack D.was large and happy then my parrots started to chase him and cause injurys to him  that tank got some ich I beleve so I treated it he didnt imorove so I moved him to a 40 by him self there he finaly died he had lost all his color and was black the last week he was rapid breathing moving top to botton then sticking him self into a rock he seem to rub himself like he had bugs  now the parrots are chasing the other jack D. so I moved him to my other tank after treating it and changing the water, I need a good book on chiclids I now little I also feed them all fishing worms 2-3xs a week they eat from you but is that good for them?I dont want to loose any more teach me  what is  best.  

Hi Cherrie,
  Fishing worms are very good food for cichlids.  

It can be a challenge sometimes to deal with fighting between cichlids.  Separating the injured fish was a good plan but sometimes if they are already damaged alot there is nothing that you can do.  

-- Ron
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