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My suck-fish is sick

23 11:46:46


I have a 40 gallon tank and my fish have been slowly dieing lately. I had 2 suck fishes one died 2 weeks ago, I just found him in the bottom with a weird light color. The second one has not been moving for two days also hanging at the bottom of the tank, not eating.
I had a molly fish die and get sucked into the filer system, I changed the filter. Could this be the reason, or maybe a change in temperature? I raised it by mistake.

Please let me know what I need to do

Thank you,

Hi Oshri,
 How much did you raise the temperature by?  If it was a degree or two, that is not a problem.

 Whenever a fish dies, it is extremely important that you do a 25% water change on the tank, maybe even two days in a row, to help clean the water.  A dead fish decays very quickly and puts all sorts of bad stuff into the water.

-- Ron
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