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African Cichlid with swollen anus

23 11:12:16


Red Zebra
I have what I believe is a Maylandia estherae (red zebra) ciclid with a swollen anus. The fish is slightly white/yellow as you can see with the attached photo. 75 gallon tank that is a fairly new startup (going on 4 weeks now). I was told my the local fish store that it could be either breading rituals or worms. I was hoping that through your expertise you could diagnose. All of the other fish seem to be fine. This fish is aprox. 2 years old (I have had it since it was a fry) I have been feeding Spectra food.

Hi Anthony,
  It could be a female that has just laid eggs, but if that was the case, she would have a mouthful of eggs (I assume that she does not, or you would have mentioned it).  More likely
she has some sort of intestinal infection.  One home remedy worth trying is attempting to feed it with some thawed frozen peas. This can sometimes help "clean out" the digestive tract.  It can't

-- Ron C.
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