Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Cichlid sits on bottom of the tank and seems to hiccup

Cichlid sits on bottom of the tank and seems to hiccup

23 13:58:11


I've been recently asking questions about my sick cichlid.  Over the last few
weeks my cichlid has pretty much been sitting on the bottom of the tank.  It
previously had some white stuff on it's head that went away after I did a water
change. I am starting to change the water 25% every week, but it still stays at
the bottom of the tank and now seems to have the hiccups.

The fish does move from one end of the tank to the other, but it stays very
close to the bottom of the tank.  There are also times when the fish is sitting
on the bottom of the tank and it seems as though it's trying to hold itself
upright because it  curls it's tail to one side.

Is there any thing else I can do for the fish?  Do you know what the problem
might be?

Hi Roxana,
 It could have a problem with its swim bladder but sadly there is nothing that you can do about that.  

 I assume that there isn't some reason why it is staying away from the top of the tank, e.g., a cat that likes to go fishing or something like that?

-- Ron
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