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My poor fishy!

23 15:05:47

Hi again Chris!  Thanks so much for your quick response!  I'm SO happy to report that Flounder is doing much better.  He's showing more and more energy as time passes.  I do have one more question.  My local fish place suggested I try "Stress Coat" to help rebuild any of the "protective coating" he may have lost.  I'm wondering what your opinion of this product is.  I did put a very small amount (according to the package directions) in his bowl today.. and since then, he has been doing even better, but I'm wondering if it's really worth while to have around.  Does it work?  Again... THANK YOU.  I'm so relieved he's doing better!


Followup To
Question -
Hi Chris.  I recently asked a question about how to move my beta fishy when we go from MD to AL later this month.  

There was a "freak accident" last night.  My significant other sometimes walks in his sleep, and last night I woke up and on my way to the bathroom saw my fish bowl on the ground with 3/4 of the water missing and my fish lying on his side on the carpet about a foot from his bowl.  Apparently, he (my boyfriend) must have accidently knocked it off of my dresser in his sleep.  I have no idea how long Flounder was out of water, but when we put him back in what water was left in his bowl, he came back to life.  He looked as though he were gasping for air for a little while, then that slowed down.  He was swimming around a little, slowly, but looked as if he would die at any moment.  This morning, he is still hangin' in there, but is still slow and just looked "tired."  He did, however, eat 2 pellets of food for me, though he certainly wasn't as enthusiatic about it as usual.  Before this, he was a very healthy, active little guy.  

I guess my question is, how long can these fish live out of water?  and do you think he will get through this and manage a full recovery?

Thanks so much for your help!

Answer -
Hi Katie;

Poor Flounder! Bettas can survive a long time out of water because they have a unique respiratory system. Eating is a very good sign. Keep him warm and watch him for fin infection. If he gets fuzzy spots on them you may need to use a medication like Tetracycline to treat it. It is possible parts of the fins could fall off, but usually only the edges. This is because the areas that got too dry are dead tissue and must slough off so new tissue will grow in it's place.

I'm glad it wasn't worse, like your boyfriend getting hurt on broken glass or something. Scary!

Hope Flounder feels better soon.....

Followups Welcome

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

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My member name is ChrisR62. See You There!  

Hi Katie;

Hurray for Flounder! I'm so glad to hear he is better.

Stress Coat is an excellent product to use for slime coat renewal and injury healing. I should have mentioned it before.....(oops!) I have saved fish with it that seemed long gone when they first arrived in the store. Don't worry about putting in too much. Fish seem to do just fine with even massive amounts of the stuff. Keep up the good work!

Followups welcome....

Chris Robbins