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betta is sick =[

23 11:59:22

For around 3 weeks my betta has had clamped fins and swim bladder disease. I've treated him with  kanamycin and the pea treatment seemed to work. But now i'm dealing with his clamped fins. I noticed today, that a chunk of his tail had broken off. And i'm wondering what I can do b/c the kanamycin i'm using isnt working and i've also tried api triple sulfa that didnt work. THANKS.

Hi Cori,
When a Betta has clamped fins, it means that he is sick.  He has fin and tail rot.  This is due to poor water conditions most of the time, and stressful situations.  He has been sick with Swim Bladder, and his immune system is not as strong as it was, so is now vulnerable to disease.   I would do a water change, and treat him with Maracyn2.  Do not let this disease linger on, as it is eating him alive.   Make sure that you have no ammonia or nitrates in his water before treating him.  
Feed him a good diet three times a day day pellets, next day Betta Flakes, next day Daphina, next day bloodworms.  Water changes, and a good diet will help him get his strengh back.  Do not feed him big meals..his tummy is the size of his 2 betta pellets would be for one meal...example.  
I hope your little friend will recover, and if you have anymore questions, just ask.