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Beta fish is losing its fins

23 15:05:08

Hello, I have a coworker who has a Beta fish with a plant on top and lately it has been floating on top, not swimming much, not eating much and creating a lot of air bubbles on the surface.  Whenever there are some movements to the vase, it swam erractically.  And because it swam so erractically, the fins are being torned off from the roots of the plant.  I have already removed the plant, but what else can I do?  Other then not swimming much and fin loss, there is no other visible damage on him.  He gets fed once a week and water hasn't been changed since it came into the office just two and a half weeks ago.  Thank you so much for your help.

Hi Stella;

He needs to be fed at least every other day and his water needs changing once a week. Use a good water conditioner when you change the water and make sure the new water is the same temperature as the old water. Also put him in a warmer place if the room is less than 78 degrees. Bettas are tropical fish that need 78 to 82 degrees all the time in order to thrive. Cool water affects their digestion too. You may have to put a lamp on him to give him more heat. Once his water is clean and warm his fins should heal and he should start eating and digesting normally again. Here are some sites to help you know more about bettas and their care;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins