Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Guppie


23 11:14:30


How old must the guppie fry be to clean my tank at 100% water change..The only reason i keep asking is because the tank is really getting dirty and my older fish may die if i don't clean it fast.I only have one tank with a plastic floating fry tank....

Please help...


  I am not sure what your tank set up is, but you should not have to do a 100% water change if you have a filter. The most you will want to change at one time is 50%. You can do the 50% water change at any time since your fry are not in the main tank. If you do the complete change you run the risk of the tank setting up again and you don't want that. In the future if you are going to continue breeding the guppies, buy yourself a fry rearing tank. That will help you a lot better than trying to raise the fry in the same tank. I would say as long as they are at least 2 weeks old you can go ahead and do the water change. Just remember, now more important than before, make sure the water is the same temperature as the tank and that you condition the water before you add it back. Hope this helps.