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3 survivor baby guppies

23 15:03:11

Hello Chris.I don't speak the language so well, so I'll try to write correct english.I have a 20 litters tank(it'very small,I know),in which there are 8 guppies,for about 4months.3 females and 5 males.I have a filter and a heater.The first time I used a floating breeder for a female to deliver,she just ate all the babies.This time,I left another female to deliver in the tank.I didn't expect to see babies,but it happened.3 of them have survived,and they are 2weeks old now.They're hiding at the plants(plastic plants)and when I feed the elder fish ,they come out and eat too.The old ones are chasing them ,but they always manage to survive.Here is my question:How will I change the water without hurting the babies? The first time I used a water glass.But sinse I have gravel in the tank, the dirt from there,is still there!Can I use the water pump to change the water?I just don't want to hurt them by accident!Thank you for your time.

Hi Gianna;

Your written english is just fine. Many Americans don't do as well as you have done here. Good job!

The tank is pretty small for all those guys, as you know. If it is scary to change water and try to avoid the babies, net the babies into a little glass of tank water for a few minutes while you vaccum the gravel.

Remove 25% of the tank water, and no more than that. Too much of a change could shock them. Put the babies back in the tank before adding the new water so they get used to the new water gradually as you refill it. I've done it that way before and it works quite well. Just use a good water conditioner to help everyone with stress.

Since the tank is overcrowded you might want to make 25% water changes twice a week. Only vacuum the gravel every 2 to 4 weeks though. Too much disturbance of the gravel can cause problems with the biological balance.

Have fun with those babies and watching them grow!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins