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when is my betta pregnant??

23 11:52:08

i have 3 bettas one female and other two male but i have a separated tank a male is with a female in one side of the tank and the other in the other side of the tank and there are bubbles in the tank i don't know if she  pregnant she not active  like before she dosen't eat like before

thanks olivia tobias

Putting Bettas where they can see each other is stressing them.  It's not right to do this.  They are living in fear, and are miserable.
You know when a female is pregnant when you see a little white tube coming out of her tummy.  When you breed bettas, you must have a tank ready where neither of them as ever been in.  You put them in this tank at the same time with many many hiding places for the female to hide.  The Betta then blows a new nest, and the female will try to go to him.  If he is not ready, he will chase her away with intent to kill her.  This is why you need many hiding places for her.  When he is ready he will give her a sign, and she will go to him...he will wrap himself around her, and squeeze her so that some of the eggs come out.  He will blow the eggs into the nest, and chase her away again.  This can go on for four hours, more or less.  You must watch them carefully, and be ready to remove the female once this is over.  He will kill her if she is left in the tank.
Feed her well after the spawn.  She will be tired, and hungry, and will need good food to regain her health.  The Betta stays with his fry for about three days, then he must be removed.
Hope this helps
I would also like to add, never keep a female and a male in the same tank.  This would be a reason why she is not eating, she is afraid for her life.  He will kill her.  It is better to have them all in separate tanks.