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New Tank Problem

23 14:46:13

My tank was doing great the first few weeks. But now the water test strips (Quick Dip) shows a steady yet high Nitrite level (10.0ppm). Although my fish seem to be doing well I would like to know what I can do to reduce the levels? I have been doing a weekly 25% water change, have not added any fish and have used AmQuel+ many times to try to reduce the levels, but no luck.

I have the following freshwater fish:
-1 Plecostomus
-1 Bala Shark
-2 Green Barbs
-1 Tiger Barb
-2 Guppies
-1 Marbled Molly

The other test result have been steady at:
pH 7.2
Nitrate 20ppm
GH 75ppm
KH 150ppm
Temp 77F

Hi Debbie,
 Keep up the water changes.  It sounds like your tank is going through the normal cycling process.  IT should be fin but don't add any more fish for awhile and be careful not to overfeed.

-- Ron
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