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fuz on my pacu

23 15:09:12

i have a rather large (apx 16 inches) red bellied pacu who is in a 125 gallon tank which has been set up for about a year, the ammonia level is ok, nitrite ok.....the ph is very low, i have been adding ph up for a few days and have done several small water changes, but still am getting nowhere close to the neutral level desired....the fish is now looking pretty bad, he has fuzz on his eyes and all around his mouth, and his tail fin is looking real rough, do you have any help you can offer and will this fuzz go away once i get the ph level back to normal, i am kinda worried that i may loose him. thanks, steve

Hi Steve;

Stop using the pH up. It can cause serious and too fast fluctuations that are more stressful than a chronically low pH. Instead, do a 25% water change every day and add more aeration. Get an air pump and put an airstone on it. This helps pH problems and helps the fish with stress as well by getting him more oxygen.

You can also add uniodized pure salt to the water and raise the temperature in the tank to kill the fungus. The dosage of salt is 1/2 teaspoon per gallon. From then on, every time you make a water change add enough salt to treat only the replaced water. This keeps the salt concentration constant. The water temperature should be raised slowly to 82 degrees fahrenheit. This kills that nasty fungus and so does the salt. The salt strengthens the slime coating on the fish as well. You can buy it most grocery stores. Whatever salt you get, it must have no other ingredients in it. I am told that "kosher salt" is pure, but check the label to be sure. (Salt from the grocery store is much less expensive than the fish store.)

There is also a product called "Melafix" that would be helpful. Get the one used for ponds. Your size tank would use too much of the aquarium size bottle. Aquarium Pharmaceuticals makes it and it is found in most fish stores. It helps the fish heal and soothes the raw areas that are infected. It can also kill harmful bacteria and fungi. Good product to keep on hand.

Once the fish is well, slowly lower the temperature back to normal and don't add more salt with your water changes. The salted water will slowly be changed out over time with future water changes without stressing the fish. Water changes with gravel vacuumings should be done once a week to keep tanks with big fish clean.

I hope your fish gets better soon.......

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