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White Blotches & Hunchback On Red Velvet Swordtail

23 14:31:34

Yesterday I noticed white blotches on the side of one of my female red velvet swordtail's. She was pregnant up until a few days ago. I also noticed now her spine is hunched. She has been hiding previous to this and only came out when I fed them. Now she is out all the time. she seems to be swimming fine also. I checked my water chemistry and all is fine. I have a 55 gal tank. Any idea what is going on with her?? I don't think it is ich because she has white blotches on one side of her not specks all over. What should I do with her?

Hunching back is usually a sign of fish TB.  The spots could be fungus or velvet ( a secondary infection).  If she has TB she will pass it on to here fry and possibly infect your other fish.  I would get her in a quarantine tank right away.  There is a small chance that she has suffered an injury, but then she wouldn't be swimming normally.  I think the humane thing is to euthanize her (people usually use the freezer).