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Beeta with growth around mouth

23 14:06:20

I have had my Beta for a year. He suddenly developed what looks like a clear gel growing around his mouth. He is very distressed and has had it three days.
He lives on his own in approx 9 liter tank, it is fall in Australia and we have not had a heater in his tank as it is warm in summer. Have not done water test readings and clean tank usually every 2-3 weeks.
Also looks like tiny jellyfish in tank, on the wall with small white things inside them. There are about three.

You just need to do more water changes. The tank is way too small to only have fresh water once or twice a month. Switch it up to once a week. Keep his water fresh and clean and it will do him a world of good.
Also, buy a remedy all to help with the fungus/bacteria growth (such as Lifegaurd) and continue to use it for 3-5 days after your fish seems to have recovered.