Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > i dont even know

i dont even know

23 14:36:08

Well, I had a pair of convicts that I put in their own tank. Well they didnt end up liking each other when in that separate tank. So first I put the female back in the regular tank. When I put he in there, she had a little confrontation and then i tried putting her back in the small tank, nope, she died. But After leaving the male in the smaller tank by himself I took him out and put him in the big tank. After only being in there for like 2 hours it looks like he got the crap kicked out of him. But he didnt. I dont know what the problem is, any suggestions?

Hi Josh,
 I'm not sure I follow your question.  Are you saying that simply putting him back in the big tank made him very ill?  

It seems highly unlikely that the water in your big tank could be that toxic.  That is very puzzling.

It is more likely that someone attacked him.  Fish attacks can be very quick and very lethal.  

-- Ron
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