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Swollen shabumpkin/white spot/mouth rot?

23 14:36:29

Hi Darryl
Ive had two shabumpkins for the past 7-8 years who have always been healthy. Recently one has had a flaky mouth and now appears very swollen and the other has had for the past three years, large white spots appearing on its head and blobs in its fins which become streaky like blood. They both appear to be unaffected by their conditions and eat all the time. I have tried everything from salt baths, have always had a filter and treat the water in their 36" by 16" tank for disease etc. They have lots of pond weed to feed on and are feed twice a day. What am I doing wrong and what do you think their conditions are? I hope you can help as I am concerned that they will die without the correct treatment.


Hey Jules,

In the case of constantly treating a tank for infection, when none appear to be present, you develop strains of bacteria that are super resistant to medication. Salt bathing your fish can also remove their stress coat! Adding a mild amount of salt to the water is generally beneficial, but salt bathing a fish on a regular basis can prove fatal. It sounds to me like they've picked up a protozoan similar to ick, that infects the body and causes swelling and occasionally bleeding. Pick either a maradel product up, such as maracide, or a jungle fizzy tablet box. Whichever you don't regularly use. Because you're constantly treating the water, you need to find a new medication that uses different agents to fight off infection. Common ones that are effective are found in both products. Research the active ingredient in the product you use now, as well as the two products i mentioned. Whichever new product uses a different medicine will be your new medication! Use it only as directed on the box, and try to avoid using it on a real regular basis. Only when the fish get sick! Over medicating leads to some pretty severe problems.

Also, switch to a high protein food like brine shrimp twice a week, and throw in some of the bristly tops of broccoli three times a week. The vitamin boost will help your goldfish recover, and regrow their stress coats.

Best wishes, and good luck!