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Getting a feamle betta

23 14:01:46

1. Hi, I'm wondering about introducing a female betta to my tank. I have platys and a guppy right now. I just got started collecting fish. So I plan on getting a molly and a few others. I really love the thought of putting a female betta in the tank. I've read that some people have had a lot of success in this but I always read about three or more females being together because of the pecking order or what not. Well, I don't really care to have three right now. I'm currently trying to set up a fifty five gallon that I used to have aquatic turtles in so it is taking me a while as I need new rocks lights and everything all new. So maybe I might get two more when I get that project done. But as for now I was wondering about just getting one. I also would aboard the project if everything else that I get after her revolves around her. Like I said I'm relatively new to the fish aquarium world and though I plan to get an aggressive tank, right now I want a tank that has agreeable or community fish in it. Also I don't want my existing fish to get hurt or anything. Is this to big of a project to take on?

Hey Shirley

Adding three females normally work better.  They are rarely aggressive but if they are, their anger can be divided between the three of them not onto the other community fish.

I am glad to see a fish owner with a large tank.

I suggest adding a shoal of tetras such as cardinal or glowlight.  Also a handful of cherry barbs will do well.

Good luck !     Jack