Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > dying angel fry

dying angel fry

23 15:09:06

hi chris
i have 2 pairs of pearl scale red eye problem is that they spawn regularly.the fry hatch ,become free swimming but whirl and die after three days.recently a pair of green angel has joined the list.but the other angels i.e.,  marbled ,koi etc survive happily.wot could be the reason?pls help me out as this has been going on for a few months now.thanx & regards ,tvsdass

Hi Sujendra;

How devastating. I have heard of this but I don't know what causes it. I will post your question on the freshwater fish forum and see what the other members have to say.

Go here to see the responses;

Your question will be under the heading "Cichlids, Angelfish, Discus". The title below that is "Whirling and Dying Angel Fry".

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins