Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Bloodworms?


23 11:51:12

QUESTION: Hi Lynda.          I didn't know goldfish liked bloodworms. Do you think I should buy my goldfish some bloodworms? The goldfish sounds like a friendly little fish. I don't have furan 2 here but no need. The fish recovered. He is up to his usual tricks again haha. He did that thing with his gills again but it didn't scare me this time. I think I have got used to it now. Dasher and Comet think they are Betta fish because they keeep trying to copy him when he does that thing with his gills. Lucky is doing great. He got caught behind the heater but I got him out. He is pretty scared though. He is terrified of the heater. He won't go anywhere near the heater and just hides all the time.

ANSWER: Hi Danielle,
Goldfish do eat bloodworms as a treat now, and then.  They are vegetarian, but also eat different foods.  It is good to vary their diet.  Is the betta in the same tank as Dasher, and Comet?  He shouldn't be if he is.  Bettas need 80 degree water.  I know some pet stores do this, and it isn't right.  These fish need different kinds of water, and a Betta is cold in water below 78-80 degrees.  A cold betta is a miserable betta, and he will get sick.  Also a Betta's water should be always clean, complete water changes when living in a small tank are a must every week.  The goldfish are messy, and it is simply not right to keep these fish in the same tank.  
Have a nice evening

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Lynda. The Betta isn't in the same tank as Dasher and Comet. Betta's are warm water fish aren't they. If they are he is in a warm water tank and the water is very clean. The tank the Betta is in is a very big tank but I am not sure how many gallons but I will find out and let you know. I do the water changes once a week.

ANSWER: Hi Danielle,
That's good, I'm happy to know this, I was a little worried.  He is a tropical fish, so needs warm water.  He seems to be a spoiled little Betta, and that's a very good thing!!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Lynda. I spoil him and he loves me for it. Do you feel better now you know he is in the right wter seperate from Dasher and Comet? I think he is mourning my friend though because he keeps looking for her. She had him longer than me and so he knew her better than me and loved her. I think he misses her. I went to her funeral today and had to do a speech for her at church which was very very very hard for me to do. The Betta is doing what Bubbles did. When my friend first went into hospital he stopped eating. He ate a bit before she died but now he is refusing to eat at all. He seems to be healthy but I don't know alot about Betta fish. The poor fish. I don't want to lose him. He won't even eat his favourite treat. I just don't know what to do for him to help him. I really want to help him and make him happy but I don't know how. I know my friend doesn't want him to be sad and wants him to eat and be healthy. She loved him. She has taught him to jump to your finger. He is swimming around but he looks sad. I'm scared that he will die and I don't want him to die. I have lost enough fish at the minute and I don't want to lose anymore.

Hi Danielle,
There is a reason why he is not eating.  It could be a reaction from Swim Bladder.  Sometimes it does damage to the Betta's internal organs.  Bettas are gluttons, and nothing but sickness will stop them from eating.  This is why we must be careful when feeding them.  Are you feeding him the same food your friend fed him?  Sometimes a Betta won't accept a change in food.  If he is sick it will show in a couple of days.  If he's not, then he is snobbing the food you are giving him.  I'm telling you sometimes they can be little devils.  He's not mourning, he knows he is well taken care of, and he will get attached to you quickly.  No worries...
Take care