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Breeding a Calico Moore

23 14:37:08

I recently started an aquarium as a hobby but recently found that my calico Moore(i think thats what you would call it.) is getting really fat quickly. it has orange around its belly area and i think it might be pregnant. i don't even know if its a female for sure. i need help. could you help me? if you need more info just ask me what you need to know to help me determine if he/she is pregnant or not.

P.S. i just bought a small 1 gal. tank to seperate her from the rest of the clan and got some of that breeding grass. lol i clearly have no clue what i am doing and i need help. if you could throw some info my way i would greatly appreciate it.

           Kyle Adams

Hi Kyle;

Goldfish are egglayers and need to be with males in order to expel their eggs and for the eggs to be fertilized. The one gallon is not a safe size so she really should be returned to the regular tank. Goldfish need at least a ten gallon per fish, and for breeding need a 30 gallon at the very minimum. The breeding tank should have dense bunches of plants at one end. Here are some web pages about goldfish as well as sexing and breeding info;

Good luck and I hope all goes well!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins