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do bettas get tumors?

23 11:55:33

Hi I have a blue betta, had him6 months or 7 months by now...he loves in a 5
gallon tank, filtered with live plants and it stays warm in the room...he's a
happy guy who only eats flake food, though I've tried others...he has a
protrusion on his side as of recently, and I can't figure out why or what it
is...I've been trying to research, but I can't find anyone with a similar's located on his side, not his belly, and it's just sticking out more
than it normally woul, right past his belly whereabout the swim bladder fish get tumors? someone said maybe he has a tumor...he swims
normal, and seems fine, but I am afraid to feed him right now for some

Hello Silver,
Bettas do get tumors.  Most of the time they are not malignant, and Bettas can live long happy lives.  You could try a treatment of "Kanamycin" and if it does not go away, let it be.  It isn't hurting your Betta.  As long as he is eating, and swimming around as usual, you have nothing to worry about.  Feed you friend, there is no reason why you shouldn't.  A sick Betta will stop eating.  This is not Swim Bladder Disease.  Swim Bladder disease begins with constipation, and a swollen tummy.  The fish are restless, and stay either at the top, or bottom of the tank.
Hope this helps