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Parrot fish floating at top of tank

23 14:50:49

My parrot fish is approximately 2 years old. When I first got him and moved him into his tank he started swimming sideways and upside down. I didn't do anything (I thought he was going to die), but then he got better and has never had any problems. I just moved him into a new bigger tank, and this time he is floating at the top and has to struggle to swim to the bottom of the tank. I also have not seen him eat for a few days. From what I have read this is something to do with his swim bladder. Is there anything I can do to make him better? I don't see any fungus or parasites but should I treat him for these and see if he gets better. Or could it just be the stress of changing
tanks and he'll get over it (again?!?:) Thanks!!

Hi Elisha,
 It does sound like he is having trouble adjusting and you should give him time.  I would not treat him for fungus or parasites if those are not present -- the medicines will add more stress to him.

-- Ron
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