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Betta compatible fish

23 15:03:31

Hi,I have a 10-gallon tank with a betta and 3 neon tetras. I have had the tank for about a month. I plan to add more fish eventually but I am not sure what other fish are compatible with my fish. I wish to get about 2-3 more. Are guppies, rasboras, swordtails, platies, and mollies compatible? I ask at petstores and they all say different.

Hi Tony;

Rasboras, swords, platies and mollies are all compatable with bettas. Guppies really aren't good to keep with bettas because they see them as another male betta with those pretty and colorful tails.

I think the best choices for possible tank mates for him in a smaller tank would be rasboras, neons, cory cats and cardinal tetras. The others are livebearers, so unless you plan on more tanks it will get pretty crowded in there eventually. Swords get pretty big for a 10 gallon (up to 5 inches) so they do better in 20 gallons or larger.

You are wise to limit the number of fish. The maximum population for a tank with fish that stay below about 3 inches is one inch of fish per gallon. You will have to consider the adult size of each fish when you calculate. Go to a site like for info on all types of fish and what they need.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins