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10 gallon female betta sorority tank

23 11:01:55

i have a 10 g tank with two aquatech 5-15 filter and heated to 76 F. the tank is planted with anubias and one amazon sword that reaches to the surface. i also have a hollowed out pice of wood (fake) as a hiding place for the female and a bunch of floating plant and duckweeds on the surface. currently the tank holds 3 neon tetra and 1 cardinal tetra (they are what is left of my previous neon/cardinals tank) i don't want to get anymore and they are happy healthy and schooling and 1 male guppy that was given to me. i was thinking about adding 5 female betta to the 10 gallon tank. will the female be okay with the neon and the guppy? do you have any advice in keeping a sorority tank?
PS the male guppy can be move to my other 2.5 gallon tank if nesscecary.
thank you for your help.

A ten gallon tank is not big enough for any more fish. You are your limit with fish in that small of a tank. The female Betta is easier to house together than the males, but they are still fighting fish. If the females are from the same brood, it would be easier to house them together. It really depends on each individual fish.