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oscars and eggs

23 14:46:28

Hello Ron, I recently found that I have a mated pair of red oscars. They had been in a 50 gal. tank w/2 other oscars which were being bullied by the mated pair so i seperated them to leave only the mated pair in the tank. My oscars laid their eggs but one of them ate them. the eggs did not hatch after 3 days. my question is, would it be ok to add methelene blue to the 50 gal. tank when the eggs are laid again? i want to leave the eggs with the parents. is this a bad idea? also, my pair are only about a year and a half old, could this be a reason for the eggs not to have hatched. any info would be helpful.
thanks for your time with this.

Hi Jeff,
 What methylene blue does is slow the growth of water mold on the eggs.  It won't do any good if the eggs were not fertilized correctly which appears to be the case for many young oscar parents.  I would just let them try again and see how that goes.  

-- Ron
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