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clamped fins,

23 12:01:42

QUESTION: I have a Betta that died recently. I only had him for a couple of months. He seemed fine until a few days ago when his fins were all clamped together like they appeared dried out.  When he died, I changed the water in the tank because I have a tank that can hold 4 Bettas.  Then, a day ago, my other mail Betta started showing the same symptoms.  I separated him from the two females (who seem fine) and put him in some fresh water.  I am not sure what else to do.  I know he is having trouble eating but it is because of his clamped fins and he cannot move easily to get his food.  He is slightly discolored, but not alot and he leans toward his side.  His symptoms just don't seem to fit all of the diseases I have been reading about.  I am afraid he is going to die before I can help him.

ANSWER: Hi Melissa,

Your betta is sick, and it could be a number of diseases.  I don't know which one as I don't see the betta, and have nothing else to go on.  It could be fungal, and it could be a parasite.  In order to cure your betta, I would have to know more.
How big is your tank?  It has to be at least 66 gallons or more if you are keeping 4 bettas in there, and even so, they will find each other, and fight.  This is not good for bettas, neither is keeping them one next to each other in bowls or in tanks with a divider.  This really puts stress on a betta.  I'm guessing that your bettas are stressed from being in an environment not good for them.  
A betta needs a heated aquarium.  What is the temperature of his tank?  How big are his living quarters?  How much light do they get a day?  Do you do water changes regularly?  Is there ammonia in your water, or nitrates?
I have to know these things to help you.  Please write back to me with more details, especially on there living arrangements.
Thank you

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: 66 gallons?  Then why do stores only sell small tanks or boxes? The tank I have is 2 gallons and each section is a half gallon.  I've had one of my female Bettas for over 2 years.  Why do people tell me it is good to have more than one Betta because it keeps them active?  The water is room temperature which is about 70 degrees.  I had a heated tank once and my Betta got sick and died.  I change the water every couple weeks completely and I add clean water in a few times a week.  I use a conditioning agent that says it gets rid of the nitrates and such in the water.  I never had my Bettas get this sick before.

Hi Melissa,
I wish they would pass a law stopping people from lying, and selling these poor fish, and giving such bad advice.  A happy betta must have a least 2 gallons on water, and 25% to 50% of it should be changed every week.  I don't know who told you it was good to keep these betta in 1/2 gallon water, and next to each other.  This is cruelty.  It stresses the fish, and stressed fish gets sick.  I know it isn't your fault, as I know what people tell you, and alot don't care, as long as they sell fish.  It is very very sad.  If you want to keep your betta happy, keep him alone in your two gallon.  You will notice how friendly and intelligent they are when kept alone.  Bettas are really loners.  They don't need other fish to be lively.  If you want to give him exercise, just place a mirror in front of him once a week.  That is enough exercise for the Betta, believe me.  Also Bettas, need warmth to be happy.  Cool water make them sick also.  They do get cold.  The best temperature is 78 degrees or 80.  If you ever do heat your water, do so slowly, bringing the temperature up 1 degree every two days until you reach the right temperature.    Your problem stems from this...
Lack of space
Not enough water changes
Cool water
A good conditioner should be used when changing water ( Stress Coat) Aqua Safe Plus)  I don't know of any conditioning agent that says it gets rid of nitrates.  Nitrates, and Ammonia, once in the water have no chance of being removed with a conditioning agent.  The only way you can remove them is water changes.
In their habitat, the betta may live in shallow waters, but they have lots of room to swim.  In this case, your bettas have no room to swim.  The only way you can go about it now, is to find bigger bowls for the other three, and keep one in your two gallon.  If you want your bettas to be healthy, this is what you will have to do.  I may sound harsh, but I have bred them, and I know alot about them.  They are intelligent little beings, and can be your friend for a long time if treated right.  Like I mentioned before, this is not your fault, but the fault of the person who advised you to do this.  Now you have to make it right.  This is the only cure for your betta who is sick.  He should be alone in the tank, put 1/4 aquarium salt in, and do a water change.  Dilute the salt before putting it into the water.  Salt will help him for now, and hopefully he will feel secure, and be well again.  You should also have a little silk plant and some kind of little toy that you can buy at the pet shop for a small sum.  Bettas love little tunnels, and silk leaves to rest on.
I hope I have helped you understand a little more about the Betta, and if you have anymore questions, ask away.

I just want to add...You may find bigger bowls at the dollar store.  Sometimes they have them.  Look for the plastic continers, sometimes they have big see through ones, that you could use for your other bettas.  It is worth going there to see.  Wal-Mart has some too which is cheaper than the Pet Store.  I just thought I would mention this.