Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > small black moor fish acts crazy

small black moor fish acts crazy

23 14:26:51

I just purchased a new black moor fish. I put him in a 55 galllon aquarium. I just put him in there. I let his bag sit in there first to adjust to the water temperature. Now he is acting like a nut. He is swimming backwards really fast. He has not been still for at least an hour. Could he be having a seizure or is he just retarted or in shock. He acted normal in the pet store tank. Please HELP!!!!

Hi Rachel;

He may be experiencing shock from being moved to a new home or is trying to get used to the water flow and new water chemistry. The best you can do is wait at this point. Hopefully you used a water conditioner before you put him in the tank. If not, add it right away. Keep his room quiet and the lights low. If there is a strong current from the filter, add more decorations and plants to help break it up and slow it down a bit. I hope he's okay...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins