Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Betta - rapid breathing

Betta - rapid breathing

23 11:44:05

Betta fish is rapidly breathing since last night.  Changed about 75% of the water, treated the alcoline.  He is trying to swim but just sinks back to the bottom.  I have checked all possibities of diseases and he doesnt show any signs of them.  He looks perfect.  Not sure how much longer he will last - any suggestions??

ANSWER: Hi Kristy,
  I do not know what "alcoline" is?  

  It is possible that he is getting old.  Bettas do not normally live that long and when they get old they start to breathe rapidly and generally fall apart pretty quickly.   Doing the water change was a good idea and you might consider doing another one.

-- Ron C.
   Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes, I know what alcoline is - do you think there is too much in his tank?  I hate changing the water because it seems to drain him of what little energy he has left!!
We have had him about 9-10 months.  What is the life expectancy for them? He hasn't eaten in 5 days and expect that he will not last much longer.  Any other suggestions you may have would be appreciated.

Hi Kristy,
  You misunderstood me.  I (as in me) do not know what you mean by the word "alcoline".  I have never heard that word before (and it isn't in the dictionary).  

  Bettas normally live about a year, though some do live quite a bit longer, as in several years.

-- Ron
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>