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Plecostomus disease

23 11:06:54

I have a Pleco in a 15 gal tank. The fish is approx 6 inches long. It has recently developed what appears to be a reddish loss of skin on its abdomen. It appears to be a hole right through to the inner body. Yesterday I noticed that there is also the same problem on its back. I'm treating it with "GENERAL CURE" by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Inc.and wonder what else I might try.The fish seems to like hanging from the heater; could it be heater burn? If so, how do I account for the spot on its back?

Any help would be so appreciated.



Is there any chance you can upload a photo of the pleco? It would make my job a bit easier. It could be a few things but I don't want to guess without knowing. For now, make sure you are keeping the water clean and I will wait to hear back from you.

To upload a pic. Once you take the picture you put it on your computer. I always save them to the desk top because it is easier for me to find them. While in the allexperts website click on the upload picture button. It might say post a picture i am not sure. Once you do that, it will upload the picture to the question page.

edit: Just before you post the question there is a link that says "attach an image". Just click on that and follow the directions. I hope you will be able to upload the pic.