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i need some help..

23 14:12:56

I have I BELIEVE a 30 gallon fish tank. I'm not going to give you MY whole life story but my ex just left 3 fish in this tank for who knows how long without food. One died, and I still have the other two. One is a Jack Demesy (sp?)and the other is a Puffer. I went to Petco (mistake yes i know) to get a Pleco because I had some problems with algae, well the Jack Demsey ate ALL of the back tail of the Pleco and you can see white... He is still alive, I also have a 55 gallon tank, but the change in water temp. well theres a big difference, (it has been set up for 5 days now) but I can't adjust the temp any higher. I'm not sure what I can do at this point. I know this is kind of a dumb question, but what would you do?

Hi Stephanie,
  First thing: anyone who would just leave fish in a tank without feeding them isn't worth much, so good riddance.  How we treat those creatures who are least able to fend for themselves is one measure of a person.

  The pleco has a small chance but it will be touch and go for awhile.  Plecos need cover, i.e. a place to hide in or under. They do not do well exposed.  Big pieces of wood are ideal but clay flowerpots on their sides (broken are just as good as whole, if not better) will do the trick.  

  The change in water temp isn't as important as many people think.  Real rivers actually change temperature a lot in one day (I actually study this for a living and just got back from Costa Rica a few days ago.  The main river I study there changes 5-10oF every day from morning to night).  so don't worry about the temp change too much.  The big concern is that the pleco needs a chance to heal.  I would just move the pleco to the new tank and hope for the best.

 Most likely some fungus will grow on the exposed wounded area.  Any of the anti-fungal medications will help with this (basically any copper and/or formalin based medication).  

-- Ron
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