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African Butterfly Fish or ????

23 13:56:53

I have a 50 gallon tank with 15 khuli loach, 6 neon tetras, 6 silver tetras, 5 black phantom tetras, a pair of dwarf gourami and a pleco.
It still seems rather empty and I was looking to add a sort of centerpiece to the tank. I was thinking african butterfly fish and 2 african clawed frogs and a paradise fish. All of those would be nice if you think there it still enough room in the tank, but can you just let me know what you think would be my best options, including interesting fish I have not mentioned if you can think of any.

Hi Gareth,
  You can consider an African butterfly fish.  Keep in mind that a butterflyfish will remain at the top of the tank and ideally you should have a bunch of plants in the tank, particularly floating ones, for him to feel comfortable.  

 I do not recommend adding frogs to any fish tank. Frogs often pollute the water at a higher rate than many fish tanks can handle plus many kinds of frogs are highly efficient fish predators.  

-- Ron
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