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Lumpy Betta

23 15:09:42

Our Betta (Fishy) has a lump on his side in the rear/mid section of his body.  He's always had two lumps (they looked like muscles), but one side is swollen & it looks like some scales are missing.  It may be that they are covered by the swollen flesh.

He's been in a one gallon tank with no filter for two years.  I change the water once each week.  I have not tested the water.

Please help Fishy.


Hi Brett and Laura;

He may have a tumor or infection. Infection is treatable, so in case that's the problem try a product called Maracyn 2 by Mardel. It absorbs inside the fish to fight infection. (Most others just treat the outside of the fish.) Keep his tank as clean as possible, like maybe clean it twice a week now.

Fishy is a very old little fella. A betta lifespan is about 3 years. They are 6 months to a year old when you buy them and you have had him 2 years. That brings him to a 'senior citizen' age. He will have a tendency to get sick more easily now, but the more frequent water changes will help his immune system a bit. Also keep him as warm as possible. 80 to 85 isn't too much. This helps the immune system too. If you ever see him have trouble getting to the top for air, lower the water level in his tank. Do even more water changes after that too. It will be less water so it will get dirty faster.

You've done a great job in caring for Fishy. Most of them don't live as long a life as he has. Keep up the good work....

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