Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Betta Fish - New Tank - Filter too fast?

Betta Fish - New Tank - Filter too fast?

23 13:55:42

QUESTION: Hi Lynda - We just moved our Betta from a 2.5 gallon bowl with no filter to a 5 gallon tank recommended by the fish manager at our pet store; the tank is likely a starter kit and it's called: the Top Fin Aquascene 5 aquarium kit.  
The manager said the light will heat the tank, but it doesn't...because it's fluorescent!  So we're going to add a heater (Marineland's Stealth Shatter-proof heater/50 Watt for up to 15 gallons).  

First question is: Our fish seems somewhat bothered by the filter current.  I am going to add another plant (a live one), but should I be concerned that the current is too much?  The manager thought it would be fine -- but she also thought the light would heat the tank, so I'm double checking.

2. Does our Betta benefit from having the fluorescent light on?

3. Do Betta's like live plants?

He's in the new aquarium and swimming around -- seems happy other than the current thing.  But he does keep testing out the filter area and not running away from it, so I'm not sure what to think.  He's our first fish and we are learning.


ANSWER: Hello Tim,
Betta's do need light, but not for long periods of time.  I would think that 3 hours a day would be enough.  Always light up the aquarium at the same time everyday.  I find that 5 to 8 at night is the best time, but you do it to fit your schedule. Make sure that you close the light at night.  Buy a small heater, and make sure that the temperature of you water isn't fluctuating...this is deadly for any fish.  Keep your temperature at 78 or 80 for the betta.  A betta doesn't need live plants.  Live plants are hard to keep, you must feed them, and seeing as it is a small aquarium, I wouldn't recommend it, especially that you will have to keep your aquarium spotless, and do water changes every week.  Instead, I would buy a silk plant with long leaves where the betta can rest. You can find these in pet stores, and something like a small tunnel that the betta can go through, they love this.  Water changes are must change 25% of your water every week, and sometimes a little more.  Make sure you have no ammonia in your water as this is the number one killer of fish.
Betta's do not like strong current.  If your current is too strong, maybe you can adjust the filter to make it less strong.  If you see that he is at one end of the aquarium and he is struggling, you will have to lower your filter.
Hope this helps

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks, Lynda.  It does help.  Two follow-ups q's:

1. Do you have to change 25% of the water every week even if you have a
filter?  The manager at PetSmart said every 3 months with this tank and

2. Do you mean to lower the filter so that it sits in the water more?


Hi Tim,
There are different kits out there, but to be honest with you, I think that a 5 gallon aquarium, that you can buy all equipped at wal-mart is much better than these hexagon ones in plastic.  If you ever buy another one, buy a glass one.  Some of these aquariums have different filters, I don't know which one yours has.  If it is an underground filter, there might be a place at the top of the arms, like a little button that you can turn to make the water flow less.  Pushing it down in the water will only make it worse for your betta.  Three months with no water change, I doubt it very much.  A betta must be in clean clean water...the minute you have ammonia in it, your betta will get sick.  It's a good idea to buy an ammonia kit, and check your water, every week, and keep it down to zero.  The only way to keep it down is water changes with a good conditioner.  It makes me so sad to think that store managers will sell you anything, and give you bad advice, just to sell their merchandise.  You must never put other fish in with your betta, now that he is in...I just wanted to mention this.  Also try to feed him pellets, and give him bloodworms only once a week as a treat.  Don't starve your betta, feed him little portions three times a day.  I'm very serious in telling you this, as I know some people say to feed them once a day.  A healthy betta must eat well, so give him small meals.  If feeding pellets, give him three pellets three times a day, and also feed him one frozen cooked pea a week.  Cook the pea well, and take off the first skin, cut it into little pieces, and serve it to you betta.  If you have other questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with me.
Hope everything goes well with your betta, they make wonderful pets.