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African Cichild with eggs in mouth

23 14:53:06

Hey Ron,

Before I get started let me thank you for taking the time out to help us! Well, I have an African Cichild where, about a week and a half ago I noticed she was not eating and later that week I saw a few golden colored eggs in her mouth, so I went out and bought a nursing net. Now I have her in it and it has already been a week. I just wanted to know if am doing the right thing or should a let her go and let her swim normally. I would also like some pointers step by step on what I should do to make the event a successful one, from the beging to rasing the fry. Well hope to hear from you soon.

Hi Mario,
  You are doing the right thing.  She will hold those eggs (and then the fry) for about three weeks.  Once she releases them, then is the time to let her go.   The fry will be quite large so they can eat crushed up flake food as soon as they come out of the mouth.  

-- Ron
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